※私が作成したサービス(以下「当サービス」):アプリ「Wisdom Timer」、「BPM秒数チェッカー」、及び本Webサイトなど各種制作物で、利用可能なもの
※App storeでは、Appのプライバシー方針を開示することが義務付けられていますが、Appleの条件を満たしており、仮にアクセス解析において利用されたとしても、その情報は滅多に利用する機会はないと思われるので、開示を省略しています。詳しくは以下リンクもご参照ください。
This privacy policy applies to the app "Wisdom Timer", "BPM To Seconds Checker (English version expected)".
I understand that developers must strive to prevent unauthorized use of personal information. Therefore, WisdomTimer and BPMToSecondsChecker treats personal information with extreme caution based on this privacy policy and treats it as follows.
WisdomTimer uses anonymous access analysis to improve the convenience of the service. For example, when an application crashes, we will send that information anonymously to help fix the bug. Information that I acquired includes version of the application, iOS version, model of the device, etc. I do not use third party services for user's information gathering.
I will not use personal information for purposes other than purpose. Moreover, I do not transfer this information to third parties.
In addition, this privacy policy may change without notice. Please kindly note.
* The App store is obliged to disclose the privacy policy of the app, but it meets Apple's conditions, and even if it is used in access analysis, that information is rarely used. Since it seems, disclosure is omitted. Please refer to the link below for details.